Wednesday 25 December 2013


Awesome ain't it?

Tired but Worth It.

The longest Time Out.

    So today, I got a date. I was join by couple of my Fwenz, potong line je..haha, sorry tak leh 2 orng je..Haish!! So continue the story, It was amzing but It started later then we had plan.. Hehe..

    I slept around 2 O'clock in the morning, so I woke up very tired at 5 O'clock for prayer. Then I went back to sleep. When I reawaken I realised my mom already going to work so I don;t have a driver to send me to Town. I woke up around 8.?? A.M.. 

    I tought I was late and I was afraid Mrs.Awesome akan smpai before me.. SO SCARED!! Then, I must breakfast before I can go, hishh!! I was so afraid that I'll be late, but then suddenly, while I was in the car I got a call from a house number that I don't recognize, when I answered it the person said,
"You dekat mana"
I replied, I dalam Kereta.
The she said I maybe lambat sikit, I was relieved that I am not going to be late!!!

    After I reached Town, I was with two of my lil Fwenz, They keeped me accompanied while waiting for Mrs.Awesome and 3 of my other Friends.After Mrs.Awesome arrived My day was simply the best day.. It was just amazing and AWESOME knowing she is there beside Me.. :D

    So when all the peeps I was waiting for had arrived, we set sail to the Cinema, cause we want to watch movie la.. hahaha... We watched the movie TITLED Walking With Dinosaurs, Mrs.Awesome bosan tngk cerita tu, Kesian dia, Sorry!!

    After movie, we went to perform our solat, then we went to LaserTag, It was fun, so much fun!! After got tired of playing LaserTag we went for our LUNCH!! at....... McD!!~lalala~

    Lunch, we ate, we talked, we chill, we relax, and then we went TO! THE! BEST! PART! OF! THE! DAY! Roooooller Skaaaaaating!!
Why is it the best? Gotta be there to know la. haha... So A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!

    Thanks to my Fwen, my two liltle Fwenz, my two acquaintances, and MY one and Only Mrs.Awesome!! So fun just to see her!! I love her!! Thanks for the AWESOME day!!..

Keyy!! Bye!! Thanks For Reading!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
ETC. like Mrs.Awesome yg never stop trying to skate!! she will not leave until she is better at playing Roller Skate.

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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