Sunday 22 December 2013

I love her!!

Short Post!

Hey! Remember me? Of course you don't nothing to remember.. Today I want to focus on her, hehehehe..

      So today she is getting better, thank God! Haha I want to say Thx to her cause always be there for me, supporting me, and praying for Us.

      I also want to say she always make me smile, I am sad but a text from her makes me smile all day long, I can never stay mad at her. I always pray for her hope for the best for her..She is just Awesome..

     I love chatting with her she is Fun and Nice and did I say that she is Cute! So cute! I always wonder how can I say thanks to her for being here for me and accepting me, the way I am!

    She is so clever, she is famous FYI, popular haha... I love her no matter what, I always get jealous but she is so "penyabar" patient haha.. Never give up on us and She is strong in some way. You will love her if you know her like I do..haha

This post was While i am absolutely have no Idea what to write!


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