Sunday 22 December 2013

Day of Sunday 22.12.13


    After a couple hours doing nothing, watching my sister, elder one playing a detective game on her Laptop, kinda fun but too many talking haha lazy to hear!! I am lazy, I know but sorry it is me.. Haha..

    My 2nd bro is upstairs doing something whole day, dunno what..dah la mkn tengahari lmbt, Haish!! Haha.. After doing nothing all day he got hungry I think haha.. Atleast he eats.. Then continued doing something upstairs all alone..Don't ask me what cause I don't bother! Haha..

     My younger sis was asleep like after eating, he watched a video on youtube about a guy name PewDiePie..Haha he is so funny!! Haha..then she fell asleep.. Haha..tired maybe, no I am feeling sleepy *YAWN* haha..

     Now we are going shopping woke up my younger sis, ask my sister to stop playing her game and went upstairs to call my bro.. So we can do something, like shopping for stuff.. ME I have a reason why I want to go shopping cause I want to buy a shirt so I can wear it on my date wkth my Mrs.Awesome..lalalala... Rest keyy my Mrs.Awesome..Get well soon..haha.. I want to go on a date with you!! Miss you!! Haha..

BYE!! It is Shopling time!!

ME, Me, and Awesome Me.

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