Monday 23 December 2013

A Sleepless NIGHT.


Till The MORN!!

    A whole day I didn't sleep even after I played futsal. Right now so tired but forcing myself not to sleep. So at the start I was chatting with my beloved Mrs.Awesome till 3 O'Clock cause her Ipad mini was dead, I mean no battery, haha.. 

    So we talked a lot as usual, and before her Ipad died, I say Good Night and Sweet Dreams like I always DO...cause I want her to have a good sleep and a sweet dream..haha about me or us..

    So when she wasn't on I started writing my Post on this blog, I also was waiting for my Favourite football team to play, which is Chelsea FC but Mrs.Awesome is a glory hunter so she support Manchester United..ergh!!

    So after watching a draw match agaist Chelsea and Arsenal, I went to the kitchen, where it is located downstairs, I went there to make myselg a hot Milo cause I didn't eat dinner last night and my stomach was IN pain!!

    So went I went in to the kitchen my mom was there so she ask me "nak makan tak sebab semalam tak makan right?" I said boleh la then I ate! of my favourite dish made by my MOM!! Love her!! After eating went upstairs look at my laptop and then I FELL ASLEEP!!! what!! I was really hoping not to sleep cause I want to go to the AQUATIC with my BELOVED..OOhh, Damn it..

    So went I woke up the first thing is that I say sorry to Mrs.Awesome, I am so sorry!! but hope this evening we can see each other.. YEAY!! So it is a tiring night but I enjoy every minute of IT!!

Keyy!! BYE!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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