Saturday 21 December 2013

Celebration for me, with Family!!

21.12.13 Saturday..

    A Celebration for me!! For the result haha, My family gathering cause my eldest bro is busy cause he just started working.. So this gathering is a rare occasion.. He came all the way from KL just for this gathering sadly his wife couldn't join, huhu..

    My mom Booked a hotel for us so we could relax a little before the celebration which is at a hotel called Holiday Inn but we didn't stay there cause it is FULL!! what! could you believe that? Haha..of course holiday maa!!

     I was good times we had dinner at the hotel, good food and fun family bonding time.. Soon me and my eldest bro when to DP A.K.A Dataran pahlawan for a haircut!! The hair stylist make my Bro look like a Kpop star, haha so FUNNY!! Well me just same old, same old not a lot of difference..hehe..

    After Haircutting was done, we regroup with the other family members at a "Pasar Malam" Nearby.. Everything was so cheap there so sisters bought alot of stuff, girls you know them... Hahaha.. But me! I just bought a jersey that is enough, haha then I walked strainght to the hotel ALONE!! (not scared)while all this is Happening I was also chatting with Mrs. Awesome, she is sick right now..kesian dia! dia comel haha...

Thats all for today ,then I went to sleep after I finished writting this blog..
Thanks for reading, if even people read this..

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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