Sunday 22 December 2013

A Night of Boredom.

What Is a day without something to do?

    Form My point of view it is a day of no fun and no happiness, that is boredom.Today after fun time of shopping and more Shopping I went for dinner which was meh-so so..

    Yeah, shopping was fun, I went with My sisters and 2nd Bro, we separated so we can go where we want!! I decide to buy a Shirt for the upcoming days, maybe a date or a outing with friends, so I have something to wear on that day.

    I decided to buy just a simple T-shirts at my Favourite shop. Which is kinda FAMOUS, the brand IS CALLED!!! Giordano!! I also bought a pair of pants, it was kinda expensive but worth it cause it was AWESOME!!(not at Giordano)

    After dinner,went home, my sister went back to his home in Shah Alam,Selangor. Which is far from here, Melaka. Met my parents and my cousin was here I call him Syukran but he is older than me,his on a mid-term holiday.

    Yeah at home, I played games not games game cause I only play football game. It is kinda of bored today cause Tonight my beloved Mrs.Awesome is not around she went to a movie with her Future Bro in-law. haha! have Fun!! "walaupun demam" hehehe...

SO game all the way!!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
"Work Hard For The Dream You Have and Never Give Up"
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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