Monday 23 December 2013

McD!! Then Cinema!! Then STARBUCKS!!

Did I tell you That me and my little Sis was Craving for Starbucks!!??

    Hmm...Starbucks, where we can drink Coffee,Tea and Chocolate either HOT or Cold.. So STARBUCKS is one of my Mrs.Awesome Favourite place. So she was Jealous when I told her, I GUESS not sure.. Where you?? haha Never mind..

    Her favourite drink at Starbucks is Chocolate Cream Chip,I think she dislikes coffee.. I don't have any Favourite cause I only went to Starbucks twice! But I always wanted to go there. Haha..keyy..So do you have any Favourite at Starbucks??

    So when we Reached Starbucks, We needed to Que-up cause there was SO MANY PEOPLE!! while we wait I started Thinking what to but, What to drink.. First time I went to Starbucks I bought a Iced Caramel Caffe Latte.. and It wasn't what I expected...REALLY NOT WHAT I WAS HOPING FOR..

    So now I must choose wisely, First I tought that I would buy A Java Chip Frappuccino cause it looks NICE!.. Then I ask My Lil Sis to buy a Asian Dolce Latte cause it too looks good, buuuut she choose to buy a CHOCOLATE CREAM CHIP with Caremel and whip Cream.. So for that reason I bought the Asian Dolce Latte with Whip Cream..Yeah!!, (I just love!! LATTE)..

    After the payment was made I ask my lil sis to find us a seat, and she say no! Then I found one, haish susah ke?? haha...
While waiting for or drinks she seated there and wait my bro is still waiting for something at the cashier, Dunno what.. ME! I was waiting for our DRINKS LA!! Near the counter for picking up Drinks..haha..

     I got mine first, cause I know I am Simply AWESOME..haha!!Then my 2nd Got his and last my lil sis got hers.
After getting our drinks We talked about stuff, you don't need to know, but some part INVOLVES my Mrs.Awesome..(lovehersomuch)..

    So Starbucks was just to fill our time before our movie starts. KAY!!! BYE!!! Thanks for reading!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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