Monday 23 December 2013

Morning Full Of Laughter!!

Morning? It is better to start It with a SMILE!

Woke up in The morning FEELING SO TIRED!!! also I woke up with a funny smell.. So weird and horrible.. Then I found out what was it.. IT WAS CAT SHIT!!! haha, my cats are weird..

After I woke up, I went down, Prayed and went back to Sleep!!! cause I am tired keyy..DON'T JUDGE ME! macam dia bagus sngt... haha.. SO how was your day??

At the both time I woke up, I check my Laptop cause I want to see if my LOVELY Mrs.Awesome text me or anything..hehe...Miss her..
The Second time I woke up, I saw a text "Good Morning Handsome" and starting chatting with her, WEEEE!!!! So that is how I start my day with a SMILE!!

Then I had news from my Bro(2nd Bro) that he is going to send my sister to a taylor for her school Uniform next year.. So while they get ready I just sit a chatted with Mrs.AWESOME!!! haha..

When they about to leave, I decide to take a bath, Busuk sngt haha... and because Mrs.Awesome suruh.~Lalalala~ Then when I was in the shower (don't imagine or picture what I look like) I heard a ringing sound from my house phone..Took my towel and RUN FOR THE FUN!!!

It was my Sister(younger) she told me that My 2nd Bro decided to bring me Along, I was like WHAT!!?? but I knew the answer because he wanted to watch a MOVIE..hehe.. So I continued my shower a quickly get ready, cause he can't stop calling the house phone..HAHA!!

SO that is All!! BYE!!
Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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