Saturday 21 December 2013

First Impression Me And Her

Is First Impression Important?

For some people yes but me and Mrs.Awesome no to much..

     So you know how we met? Right? So you what she tought about me for the first time? Guess..
But for know let me say what I tought about her..

     I tought she was just my Ex friend so I didn't care much but I also had a crush on her dunno why..but yeah I was with my Ex so, I can't do anything.. Hehehe...Don't get it wrong, I loved my Ex but I know what she is, a type that people ain't gonna like..haha..

     I had a crush on her, but to Mrs.Awesome it is different, She tought of me as a Sakai person..What!? Haha...So she doesn't even care about me, haha what could I do.. She also hated me for a reason that involves my Ex, they were best-friend.. Haha..weird!!

     That was our first Impression of each other Awesome Ain't it? Haha..Bye!! Let the story continue at a different post..

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!

Work hard for the dream you have and Never give up!!

Me, Me, and Awesome Me

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