Saturday 21 December 2013

After A tired Night...

Yestrrday, was Amazingly Awesome!

     Yo!! Is a tired day woke up late and sleepy.. Went to breakfast with my Mom second Bro and Sisters.. My dad went to work cause my uncle is not feeling well as a doctor he must check up on him.. Well my eldest bro? Work!! KL!! Left in the morning, Subuh i think..

     Breakfast was delightful, had a family talk.. After breakfast and all,, we checked out of the hotel and went home!! After reaching home we went to visit our uncle at Senawang, Seremban.. So far..

      Reached Home Finally!! I can play my Xbox and relax..... Yeah!! Haha.. My lunch was good..
nothing to tell about it, haha.. Then I continued playing games and chatting with Mrs.Awesome but she is still sick pray for she can get better...

Keyy! Bye! That is for now.. See you later!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!

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