Saturday 21 December 2013

Get To know Me!

Hello and Assalammualaikum to the muslims..

     Hey, I am Ahmad Syazriman Abdullah Bin Azlan, my name was given by my eldest bro..
I am also know as Syaz or Iman, call me anything you want just respect me cause I am human too like you! Unless you are a animal, in that case call me anything you want  haahahha...

      I am 15 and just got my pMR result 4A 4B, yeah I am thankful even though I didn't study..haahah... Awesome ain't it? Hahaha... I can't wait to be in form 4.. Life is always better thr future is bright if you work hard for it..hahaha..

      To all the ladies out there I am sorry cause I am already in love with this Awesome, Magnificent, amazing, wonderful, kind, clever, cute and Beautiful.. Hahaha.. So in my future blog she will be knows as Mrs.Awesome or just A...haha..

      I love to play football it is like my passion, I started playing when I was ten, cause my neighbour play it, like alot.. So the only thing I could do is join them.. Hahaah... I am not talemted but I always train to be better.. My football Idol is Chelsea number 9 FERNANDO TORRES, he is awesome for me, but for some people he sucks, dunno why... Haters what are you going to do? Haha...

Bye for now!! Before that a simple advice or a quote, Keep smiling, Respect, be Thankful and life your life to the fullest cause Life is awesome!!

ME, ME , and, AWESOME ME(Syaz)

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