Tuesday 24 December 2013

A Day of Happiness.

Seeing You SMILE!!

Makes Me CRAZY!!!

    Woke up Realizing I forgot something, read my last post you'll know what.. So SORRY Mrs.Awesome, But petang tu JUMPA GAK!!

    So in the house waiting for the time 4.30 p.m cause that is the time we met outside my house. Before that I did a lot of things, meaning so little it seems like a lot..

    So fitsly I did was I played games with my Lil Friend. Naruto is the name of the game, I beat him like I was playing with a toddler. After I get bored of winning I let him play the main Mission so he could enjoy winning with computers or A.I..

    While he was enjoying winning, I played with my new Kittens!! So cute, they are three of them, One is Black coloured so I call it BLACK, the second one was White and grey coloured. So I call it MARBLE cause It's Mother's Name is GULI. The Third one is called Silky/silk not yet sure.

    They are so cute, after finish getting to know my cute KITTIES!! I decided to go cut my hair sbb ada ekor...haha.. When I wanted to go to the barber my 2nd Bro ask me to buy them McD..
Still hungry even after lunch..

    When to McD and bought some burgers!! It didn't took long. Then went back home as fast as possible cause I don't want to be late for my meeting with Mrs.Awesome..~lalala~..So got home eat couple of fries then started to hang with her, just hearing her stories and looking at her beauty..haha..and CUTENESS!!

    It was a GOOD TIME, just can't wait for tomorrow.. WooHoo!!!
Bye!! I am sleepy right now.

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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