Monday 23 December 2013

A Day at Dataran Pahlawan.

Gain A Lot of Stuff for my self.

    So, when I was at Dataran Pahlawan,-tahu tak? let me tell you a little bit more early that this part keyy? haha no matter my blog..~lalala~

    So firstly, We parked our car, where? At Hatten Square PARKIG!! Third floor, I guess. HAHA!! So after parking we went to the Fith Floor to check the movie schedule, while walking we TALK like a LOT, We Fool around like NOBODY is there cause we are an AWESOME! family.. Bond THE UNBREAKABLE BOND!! Me, My Little Sis and my 2nd Bro..

    So,after looking at the SCHEDULE for a couple of minutes we decided to watch 47!! Ronin!! haha.. at 5.10 p.m WHAT!!! At the time it was 3.?? p.m, so, we gotta wait!! ARGH!!! yeah!! but at the Time I was Hungry so we went to McD!! wait no.. We went to McD then The Cinema. SORRY!!

    At McD we ordered our FOOD!! I was so damn HUNGRY!! So, I ordered a Big'N'Tasty large with and A McChicken.. FYI I eat alot but I am not FAT! haha.. my 2nd and Litlle Sis you may ask? Malas nak tulis.~lalala~
BYE!! I'll continue LATER!! See you In the Next POST!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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