Friday 27 December 2013

A Day ended with Mistake.

Mistake I made.

I did my best.


    So today, I met up with her, It was awesome for me just to see HER. First We plan to meet up at 4.30 p.m. I kept thinking about it the whole day, Went out with my Bros(closeFriends)(TrustedOne) Just still thinking about our upcoming meeting.

    I went to a barber cause one of my Bros need a hair cut for his class gethering Tomorrow. Then I went home asking my father does he want food for lunch cause I am damn! HUNGRY!! 

    My father say lets go together but my lil sis is lazy, so I decided to bring the food home. I went to McD for lunch, yeah..McD McD McD..almost every time..haha..But still keep thinking about our upcoming meeting..

    So got the food, brought the food back home for my dad and my lil sis, so they can have their really late lunch. I ate outside, at my Gazebo, still i was thinking bout the Meeting cause it was 4.30 p.m maybe more..

   So then it reached 5, I was like ok, another time maybe, she is busy maybe.. Think positive.. So my bros invited me to play football. The only think I can do is say "yes why not".. While just about to go play football I look at my tab and say a Notification that said "jap lagi I smpai".. I froze, cause I don't know what to do, already said yes to my bros...

   Then I saw, I saw a beautiful girl walked on a path to my house, I was so happy.. So I invited her to follow us the the feild, she said yes. Problem solved..

    But when I reached the field, my bros got annoyed by me cause, I just won't stop looking at HER, My Mrs.Awesome. I won't leave her side.. (sorry guys, she is more important then football)..

    So after football, That I only played for almost 5 minutes only,haha..I just can't stop looking at her, she is so CUTE!! but after that all when home, I on my fb and posted something, and that was my mistake, I should have known..

    But, something happen, I cut my hair for tomorrow cause I got an Interview at a school and also a test. I am BALD..HAHA... gonna be weird.. But lets hope for the best for her and for me and also for my family..

Keyy!! Bye!! Thx!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

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