Monday 30 December 2013

Life Without HER Ain't Gonna be AWESOME


     Hey!! So I haven't post for along time so sorry for that.So from the title you knos what this post is going to be about. Yeah, I will surely miss her.

     So, New Year is Coming in couple of days, school will start on 2 January on Thursday.

Friday 27 December 2013


Yess I DO!

I love you and I miss you.

You are CUTE!

    I just wanted to say that I will do almost anything for you, The possible i will do, adn the impossible I will TRY!! 

    ALL I ask In return is that you love me, Miss me, Remember me, Trust me, Respect Me, Appreciate Me,Smile for me, Listen to me, Be loyal to me and NEVER LEAVE ME.

BYE!! Sorry for the short post.

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

A Day ended with Mistake.

Mistake I made.

I did my best.


    So today, I met up with her, It was awesome for me just to see HER. First We plan to meet up at 4.30 p.m. I kept thinking about it the whole day, Went out with my Bros(closeFriends)(TrustedOne) Just still thinking about our upcoming meeting.

    I went to a barber cause one of my Bros need a hair cut for his class gethering Tomorrow. Then I went home asking my father does he want food for lunch cause I am damn! HUNGRY!! 

    My father say lets go together but my lil sis is lazy, so I decided to bring the food home. I went to McD for lunch, yeah..McD McD McD..almost every time..haha..But still keep thinking about our upcoming meeting..

    So got the food, brought the food back home for my dad and my lil sis, so they can have their really late lunch. I ate outside, at my Gazebo, still i was thinking bout the Meeting cause it was 4.30 p.m maybe more..

   So then it reached 5, I was like ok, another time maybe, she is busy maybe.. Think positive.. So my bros invited me to play football. The only think I can do is say "yes why not".. While just about to go play football I look at my tab and say a Notification that said "jap lagi I smpai".. I froze, cause I don't know what to do, already said yes to my bros...

   Then I saw, I saw a beautiful girl walked on a path to my house, I was so happy.. So I invited her to follow us the the feild, she said yes. Problem solved..

    But when I reached the field, my bros got annoyed by me cause, I just won't stop looking at HER, My Mrs.Awesome. I won't leave her side.. (sorry guys, she is more important then football)..

    So after football, That I only played for almost 5 minutes only,haha..I just can't stop looking at her, she is so CUTE!! but after that all when home, I on my fb and posted something, and that was my mistake, I should have known..

    But, something happen, I cut my hair for tomorrow cause I got an Interview at a school and also a test. I am BALD..HAHA... gonna be weird.. But lets hope for the best for her and for me and also for my family..

Keyy!! Bye!! Thx!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Thursday 26 December 2013

Missing Her!!

After The Date.

    After the date everything is boring, except being with you. After the date everything is slow, just waiting for the day we can meet.. I miss you like heaven!!

     First day after the date, I woke up smiling but then as the day continues my level of Missing you INCREASED.. Just can't stop thinking bout you.. I miss you more when I can't text you for the whole day.. So i gotta find something to do to make me happy.I miss You Mrs.Awesome

     I decided to play Futsal but I realise When I play, When I scored, and When I won the game, I did all of it without you by my side, I still can't smile.. I just MISS YOU.. Mrs.Awesome

     Went back, and saw your text, I was happy but at the same time not so cause I can't meet you. While texting I was happy better then before, still why can't I see you.. I miss YOU..Thats all..

     The next day I woke up and still can't smile knowing you are still a sleep and tired, I miss you SAYANG.. I want to see you, I want you to be by my side.. One Day!! Of God Wills.. I MISS YOU!!

Keyy, Thx, BYe,

Me, Me, and Awesome Me-just Missig YOU.

Wednesday 25 December 2013


Awesome ain't it?

Tired but Worth It.

The longest Time Out.

    So today, I got a date. I was join by couple of my Fwenz, potong line je..haha, sorry tak leh 2 orng je..Haish!! So continue the story, It was amzing but It started later then we had plan.. Hehe..

    I slept around 2 O'clock in the morning, so I woke up very tired at 5 O'clock for prayer. Then I went back to sleep. When I reawaken I realised my mom already going to work so I don;t have a driver to send me to Town. I woke up around 8.?? A.M.. 

    I tought I was late and I was afraid Mrs.Awesome akan smpai before me.. SO SCARED!! Then, I must breakfast before I can go, hishh!! I was so afraid that I'll be late, but then suddenly, while I was in the car I got a call from a house number that I don't recognize, when I answered it the person said,
"You dekat mana"
I replied, I dalam Kereta.
The she said I maybe lambat sikit, I was relieved that I am not going to be late!!!

    After I reached Town, I was with two of my lil Fwenz, They keeped me accompanied while waiting for Mrs.Awesome and 3 of my other Friends.After Mrs.Awesome arrived My day was simply the best day.. It was just amazing and AWESOME knowing she is there beside Me.. :D

    So when all the peeps I was waiting for had arrived, we set sail to the Cinema, cause we want to watch movie la.. hahaha... We watched the movie TITLED Walking With Dinosaurs, Mrs.Awesome bosan tngk cerita tu, Kesian dia, Sorry!!

    After movie, we went to perform our solat, then we went to LaserTag, It was fun, so much fun!! After got tired of playing LaserTag we went for our LUNCH!! at....... McD!!~lalala~

    Lunch, we ate, we talked, we chill, we relax, and then we went TO! THE! BEST! PART! OF! THE! DAY! Roooooller Skaaaaaating!!
Why is it the best? Gotta be there to know la. haha... So A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!

    Thanks to my Fwen, my two liltle Fwenz, my two acquaintances, and MY one and Only Mrs.Awesome!! So fun just to see her!! I love her!! Thanks for the AWESOME day!!..

Keyy!! Bye!! Thanks For Reading!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
ETC. like Mrs.Awesome yg never stop trying to skate!! she will not leave until she is better at playing Roller Skate.

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

A Day of Happiness.

Seeing You SMILE!!

Makes Me CRAZY!!!

    Woke up Realizing I forgot something, read my last post you'll know what.. So SORRY Mrs.Awesome, But petang tu JUMPA GAK!!

    So in the house waiting for the time 4.30 p.m cause that is the time we met outside my house. Before that I did a lot of things, meaning so little it seems like a lot..

    So fitsly I did was I played games with my Lil Friend. Naruto is the name of the game, I beat him like I was playing with a toddler. After I get bored of winning I let him play the main Mission so he could enjoy winning with computers or A.I..

    While he was enjoying winning, I played with my new Kittens!! So cute, they are three of them, One is Black coloured so I call it BLACK, the second one was White and grey coloured. So I call it MARBLE cause It's Mother's Name is GULI. The Third one is called Silky/silk not yet sure.

    They are so cute, after finish getting to know my cute KITTIES!! I decided to go cut my hair sbb ada ekor...haha.. When I wanted to go to the barber my 2nd Bro ask me to buy them McD..
Still hungry even after lunch..

    When to McD and bought some burgers!! It didn't took long. Then went back home as fast as possible cause I don't want to be late for my meeting with Mrs.Awesome..~lalala~..So got home eat couple of fries then started to hang with her, just hearing her stories and looking at her beauty..haha..and CUTENESS!!

    It was a GOOD TIME, just can't wait for tomorrow.. WooHoo!!!
Bye!! I am sleepy right now.

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Monday 23 December 2013

A Sleepless NIGHT.


Till The MORN!!

    A whole day I didn't sleep even after I played futsal. Right now so tired but forcing myself not to sleep. So at the start I was chatting with my beloved Mrs.Awesome till 3 O'Clock cause her Ipad mini was dead, I mean no battery, haha.. 

    So we talked a lot as usual, and before her Ipad died, I say Good Night and Sweet Dreams like I always DO...cause I want her to have a good sleep and a sweet dream..haha about me or us..

    So when she wasn't on I started writing my Post on this blog, I also was waiting for my Favourite football team to play, which is Chelsea FC but Mrs.Awesome is a glory hunter so she support Manchester United..ergh!!

    So after watching a draw match agaist Chelsea and Arsenal, I went to the kitchen, where it is located downstairs, I went there to make myselg a hot Milo cause I didn't eat dinner last night and my stomach was IN pain!!

    So went I went in to the kitchen my mom was there so she ask me "nak makan tak sebab semalam tak makan right?" I said boleh la then I ate! of my favourite dish made by my MOM!! Love her!! After eating went upstairs look at my laptop and then I FELL ASLEEP!!! what!! I was really hoping not to sleep cause I want to go to the AQUATIC with my BELOVED..OOhh, Damn it..

    So went I woke up the first thing is that I say sorry to Mrs.Awesome, I am so sorry!! but hope this evening we can see each other.. YEAY!! So it is a tiring night but I enjoy every minute of IT!!

Keyy!! BYE!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.


Futsal Is This post All about.

    So, Me and my boys had a 5 minutes break.. After the break we started the SECOND HALf, Merah started the game and we started a little bit slow, But we got a agoal from ME!! yeah! Assited by the GK Ezzat who threw the ball to the right side of the court and me receiving it at the end and SCORE WooHOo... so fun!!

    Then I got another goal equalizing our score 16-16 assisted by the GK again and I heading it from the right side of the court..GOAL!!!!

    Couple of minutes passed and the White team Scored for a 17-16 lead, just after they scored I assisted a equalizing goal my friend Yusri scored the goal..I am good, Right??..haha..puji diri sendiri...~lalala~

    Then right after we equalized they scored another goal and taking the lead, what!!! so quick ma!! But fortunately we scored right after them..woo!! then they started scoring non stop until we lost 23-18.. haha so it ended..

BYE!! Thanks anyway for the people who reads my blog, Mrs.Awesome especially you!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.


So everyday I wake UP..

The First Thing is HER!! Saying GOOD MORNING to Her so She can start Her Day With A SMILE! :D

   Saying Good Morning her is IMPORTANT cause I want her to be happy, Everyday same Routine never getting tired cause I LOVE HER..

    Everyday we will chat on Facebook, TALK, TALK and TALK.. We just can't stop talking, Laughing and Talking.. haha..Our talk is always fun, though we Fight, I know most of it is because of me, cause I always jealous.. But my jealousy is how I show her that I care and I am afraid to lose her.

    A fight test our bond, see can we be patient with each other, Yes I will for her. I will do anything for her almost anything for her and I know she will too. Me and Her, We are happy, We have our saying, We miss each other every day, We love each other everyday and We fall for each other everyday. haha...

    She is my future wife I Hope she is Insya Allah.. If you want to ask me am I serious with her? Yes,Heaven Yes I am!! She is my other half, she understands me, she support me, she accept me the way I am, and She is my everything!

    I say to her almost everyday You are SO CUTE!!!! sometimes she believes me sometimes she don't..haha comel je... She is amazing and AWESOME!! everyday she is in my mind I always wonder how is she.. I miss her!! ALWAYS!!!

    I wonder when can I see her, I want to see her, He beauty is unbeatable, She is GOD's creation, and she is beautiful. If you call me to see a rainbow and she was there, I would choose her than the rainbow. ~lalala~ 

    I am waiting for a day I could be with her, a DATE just you and me, NOBODY else. haha, that day may come, I'll just have to wait cause 25.12.13 is our FIRST DATE alone...YEAH!!!




Me, Me, and Awesome ME.

THE BEST I CAN DO!! sorry I can't show more how much I love you!!

Starbucks > Movie > FUTSAL!!


    So after my day out wit my 2nd Bro and My lil sis, I reached home and went to my laptop to read my dearest Mrs.Awesome BLOG, She is the person who inspired me to make my BLOG.

    So anyways, After I went home, I went to my laptop have a chat with her than I went down cause my mom got back from work and ate a couple of mangis that she brought home.

    While eating mangis I have a talked with my Mom, aahh So fun and I told her that I am going to Futsal, She replied "What, Makanan belum siap lagi" then I said Kenyang la ma, tanya my little sis.. haha she just kept her mouth shut...~lalala~

    So I went to pick up my friend and then went to Futsal, Ohh Futsal. When we got there, the Futsal court we gotta pay for the rental, EXPENSIVE MEh!! for Two hours..haha.. So we started playing, It was a slow start for me, because I haven't play futsal for 1 month I guess.

    So I played slow at the beginning in the first half, We are just playing among ourself The FC Federation's boys a training, So there were the Red and The White I was in the red. So in the first half I've scored Three goals and Assisted 2 for my bro,Close friend Yusri.. haha a good first half, It ended 15-14 we lose..

Keyy I'll continue it on the second POST!! 

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

McD!! Then Cinema!! Then STARBUCKS!!

Did I tell you That me and my little Sis was Craving for Starbucks!!??

    Hmm...Starbucks, where we can drink Coffee,Tea and Chocolate either HOT or Cold.. So STARBUCKS is one of my Mrs.Awesome Favourite place. So she was Jealous when I told her, I GUESS not sure.. Where you?? haha Never mind..

    Her favourite drink at Starbucks is Chocolate Cream Chip,I think she dislikes coffee.. I don't have any Favourite cause I only went to Starbucks twice! But I always wanted to go there. Haha..keyy..So do you have any Favourite at Starbucks??

    So when we Reached Starbucks, We needed to Que-up cause there was SO MANY PEOPLE!! while we wait I started Thinking what to but, What to drink.. First time I went to Starbucks I bought a Iced Caramel Caffe Latte.. and It wasn't what I expected...REALLY NOT WHAT I WAS HOPING FOR..

    So now I must choose wisely, First I tought that I would buy A Java Chip Frappuccino cause it looks NICE!.. Then I ask My Lil Sis to buy a Asian Dolce Latte cause it too looks good, buuuut she choose to buy a CHOCOLATE CREAM CHIP with Caremel and whip Cream.. So for that reason I bought the Asian Dolce Latte with Whip Cream..Yeah!!, (I just love!! LATTE)..

    After the payment was made I ask my lil sis to find us a seat, and she say no! Then I found one, haish susah ke?? haha...
While waiting for or drinks she seated there and wait my bro is still waiting for something at the cashier, Dunno what.. ME! I was waiting for our DRINKS LA!! Near the counter for picking up Drinks..haha..

     I got mine first, cause I know I am Simply AWESOME..haha!!Then my 2nd Got his and last my lil sis got hers.
After getting our drinks We talked about stuff, you don't need to know, but some part INVOLVES my Mrs.Awesome..(lovehersomuch)..

    So Starbucks was just to fill our time before our movie starts. KAY!!! BYE!!! Thanks for reading!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

A Day at Dataran Pahlawan.

Gain A Lot of Stuff for my self.

    So, when I was at Dataran Pahlawan,-tahu tak? let me tell you a little bit more early that this part keyy? haha no matter my blog..~lalala~

    So firstly, We parked our car, where? At Hatten Square PARKIG!! Third floor, I guess. HAHA!! So after parking we went to the Fith Floor to check the movie schedule, while walking we TALK like a LOT, We Fool around like NOBODY is there cause we are an AWESOME! family.. Bond THE UNBREAKABLE BOND!! Me, My Little Sis and my 2nd Bro..

    So,after looking at the SCHEDULE for a couple of minutes we decided to watch 47!! Ronin!! haha.. at 5.10 p.m WHAT!!! At the time it was 3.?? p.m, so, we gotta wait!! ARGH!!! yeah!! but at the Time I was Hungry so we went to McD!! wait no.. We went to McD then The Cinema. SORRY!!

    At McD we ordered our FOOD!! I was so damn HUNGRY!! So, I ordered a Big'N'Tasty large with and A McChicken.. FYI I eat alot but I am not FAT! haha.. my 2nd and Litlle Sis you may ask? Malas nak tulis.~lalala~
BYE!! I'll continue LATER!! See you In the Next POST!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Morning Full Of Laughter!!

Morning? It is better to start It with a SMILE!

Woke up in The morning FEELING SO TIRED!!! also I woke up with a funny smell.. So weird and horrible.. Then I found out what was it.. IT WAS CAT SHIT!!! haha, my cats are weird..

After I woke up, I went down, Prayed and went back to Sleep!!! cause I am tired keyy..DON'T JUDGE ME! macam dia bagus sngt... haha.. SO how was your day??

At the both time I woke up, I check my Laptop cause I want to see if my LOVELY Mrs.Awesome text me or anything..hehe...Miss her..
The Second time I woke up, I saw a text "Good Morning Handsome" and starting chatting with her, WEEEE!!!! So that is how I start my day with a SMILE!!

Then I had news from my Bro(2nd Bro) that he is going to send my sister to a taylor for her school Uniform next year.. So while they get ready I just sit a chatted with Mrs.AWESOME!!! haha..

When they about to leave, I decide to take a bath, Busuk sngt haha... and because Mrs.Awesome suruh.~Lalalala~ Then when I was in the shower (don't imagine or picture what I look like) I heard a ringing sound from my house phone..Took my towel and RUN FOR THE FUN!!!

It was my Sister(younger) she told me that My 2nd Bro decided to bring me Along, I was like WHAT!!?? but I knew the answer because he wanted to watch a MOVIE..hehe.. So I continued my shower a quickly get ready, cause he can't stop calling the house phone..HAHA!!

SO that is All!! BYE!!
Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Better Safe than Sorry.. SHARE!!

Life is Important!

WRITTEN BY A COP: Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or a loved one's life. In daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation... This is for you, and for you to share with your wife, your children, & everyone you know. After reading these 9 crucial tips, forward them to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in.

1. Tip from Tae Kwon Do :The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!

2. Learned this from a tourist guide. If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse,
DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM. Toss it away from you... Chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse.

3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy.. The driver won't see you, but everybody else will. This has saved lives.

4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc.
DON'T DO THIS!) The predator will be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head,
and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR ,

If someone is in the car with a gun to your head DO NOT DRIVE OFF, Repeat:
DO NOT DRIVE OFF! Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you. If the person is in the back seat they will get the worst of it. As soon as the car crashes bail out and run. It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.

5. A few notes about getting into your car in a parking lot, or parking garage:
A.) Be aware:look around you, look into your car, at the passenger side floor ,
and in the back seat.
B.) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women
are attempting to get into their cars. C.) Look at the car parked on the driver's side of your vehicle, and the passenger side.. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)

6. ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This is especially true at NIGHT!)

7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN!
The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times; and even then,
it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN, Preferably in a zig -zag pattern!

8. As women, we are always trying to be sympathetic: STOP It may get you raped, or killed. Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim.

9. Another Safety Point: Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late
and she thought it was weird.. The police told her 'Whatever you do, DO NOT
open the door..' The lady then said that it sounded like the baby
had crawled near a window, and she was worried that it would crawl to the street and get run over. The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way,
whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.' He told her that they think a serial killer
has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby.. He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night.

10. Water scam! If you wake up in the middle of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a burst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your outside taps full blast so that you will go out to investigate and then attack.

Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbors! Please pass this on
This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on America 's Most Wanted when they profiled
the serial killer in Louisiana

I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know.
It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle..
I was going to send this to the ladies only,
but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, etc.,
you may want to pass it onto them, as well.

Send this to any woman you know that may need
to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it
and it's better to be safe than sorry..
Everyone should take 5 minutes to read this. It may save your life or
a loved one's life.

Bye!! don't forget TO SHARE..

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Sunday 22 December 2013

First Time Didn't Work Out! Me and Her.

Sometimes It don't work Out!!

Continue!!! A great thing happen when we are BESTFRIENDS she finally let her emotions go and tell me that she loves me!!

I accept her emotions towards me cause I had a crush on her remember? haha.. So I accept it with open arms, but Of course still not use to it, yeah it was Raya that time So fun..

While time pass, a couple of weeks I guess, me and her are now together but I had a feeling that I will destroy our friendship So I had to make a choice that is to break up with her and stay as friend, It was a tough decision..

I know this will bring her down, like so down so I ask her to wait for me, wait until I can accept make her my Girlfriend again, she say yes she will wait, Then a month later she got to know somebody, a classmate then she started to fall for him, SS. 
(In this part we haven't talk for a long time)

As their relationship grow together, they became closer and now Mrs.Awesome had a new BoyFriend SS, In the shadows, hidden from her life, I watched and find away to help me get my mind off her.

I was happy to see her smile, I was happy cause she was happy. But I was always there watching too see if she got hurt, cause I don't want that, I will protect her no matter what!!

Continue!! Next Time!!
Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
"Work Hard For The Dream You Have and Never Give Up"

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

A Night of Boredom.

What Is a day without something to do?

    Form My point of view it is a day of no fun and no happiness, that is boredom.Today after fun time of shopping and more Shopping I went for dinner which was meh-so so..

    Yeah, shopping was fun, I went with My sisters and 2nd Bro, we separated so we can go where we want!! I decide to buy a Shirt for the upcoming days, maybe a date or a outing with friends, so I have something to wear on that day.

    I decided to buy just a simple T-shirts at my Favourite shop. Which is kinda FAMOUS, the brand IS CALLED!!! Giordano!! I also bought a pair of pants, it was kinda expensive but worth it cause it was AWESOME!!(not at Giordano)

    After dinner,went home, my sister went back to his home in Shah Alam,Selangor. Which is far from here, Melaka. Met my parents and my cousin was here I call him Syukran but he is older than me,his on a mid-term holiday.

    Yeah at home, I played games not games game cause I only play football game. It is kinda of bored today cause Tonight my beloved Mrs.Awesome is not around she went to a movie with her Future Bro in-law. haha! have Fun!! "walaupun demam" hehehe...

SO game all the way!!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
"Work Hard For The Dream You Have and Never Give Up"
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

I love her!!

Short Post!

Hey! Remember me? Of course you don't nothing to remember.. Today I want to focus on her, hehehehe..

      So today she is getting better, thank God! Haha I want to say Thx to her cause always be there for me, supporting me, and praying for Us.

      I also want to say she always make me smile, I am sad but a text from her makes me smile all day long, I can never stay mad at her. I always pray for her hope for the best for her..She is just Awesome..

     I love chatting with her she is Fun and Nice and did I say that she is Cute! So cute! I always wonder how can I say thanks to her for being here for me and accepting me, the way I am!

    She is so clever, she is famous FYI, popular haha... I love her no matter what, I always get jealous but she is so "penyabar" patient haha.. Never give up on us and She is strong in some way. You will love her if you know her like I do..haha

This post was While i am absolutely have no Idea what to write!


Day of Sunday 22.12.13


    After a couple hours doing nothing, watching my sister, elder one playing a detective game on her Laptop, kinda fun but too many talking haha lazy to hear!! I am lazy, I know but sorry it is me.. Haha..

    My 2nd bro is upstairs doing something whole day, dunno what..dah la mkn tengahari lmbt, Haish!! Haha.. After doing nothing all day he got hungry I think haha.. Atleast he eats.. Then continued doing something upstairs all alone..Don't ask me what cause I don't bother! Haha..

     My younger sis was asleep like after eating, he watched a video on youtube about a guy name PewDiePie..Haha he is so funny!! Haha..then she fell asleep.. Haha..tired maybe, no I am feeling sleepy *YAWN* haha..

     Now we are going shopping woke up my younger sis, ask my sister to stop playing her game and went upstairs to call my bro.. So we can do something, like shopping for stuff.. ME I have a reason why I want to go shopping cause I want to buy a shirt so I can wear it on my date wkth my Mrs.Awesome..lalalala... Rest keyy my Mrs.Awesome..Get well soon..haha.. I want to go on a date with you!! Miss you!! Haha..

BYE!! It is Shopling time!!

ME, Me, and Awesome Me.

As Day goes by.. I wonder how cute she is! Me and Her

Day by Day I watched her falling for my Friend.

     They starting dating Mrs.Awesome and My friend know as Capital AH, yeah she was falling for like? SO MUCH!! I don't think Capital AH Really Appriciate her.. While she was with Capital AH, i was with my Ex.. Lalalala~

     Me started to talk to Mrs.Awesome a little cause my Ex would be jealous if she knows.. Haha.. Started to know each other a little better.. Her hate to me decreases, cause You know me..AWESOME kut.. Haha..

     While I was dating with my Ex, I know she gonna break-up with me sooner or later.. Haha.. At same time I was thinking will I have a chance with Mrs.Awesome.. Hmm??.. SUDDENLY!! A breaking news a good and a bad one for me it is good..haha (sorry sayang) They broke up, by they I mean Mrs.Awesome and Capital AH.. Weee!! A chance but I was also sad for them,They were so happy together, so Mrs.Awesome ask my help, I tried everything I could, but Capital AH still will not Get back with Mrs.Awesome..

     Hmm, tried everything not gonna happen, then another news, my Ex broke up with me, I was like shaaaiiit!! Haha.. Then after all that I started to talk with Mrs Awesome more and more, we gotto know more about each other, I was always there for her, I think? Haha.. We became bestFriends we are so close, Then one day!!

Haha!! Next post hahaha..Relax!..


Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Saturday 21 December 2013

After A tired Night...

Yestrrday, was Amazingly Awesome!

     Yo!! Is a tired day woke up late and sleepy.. Went to breakfast with my Mom second Bro and Sisters.. My dad went to work cause my uncle is not feeling well as a doctor he must check up on him.. Well my eldest bro? Work!! KL!! Left in the morning, Subuh i think..

     Breakfast was delightful, had a family talk.. After breakfast and all,, we checked out of the hotel and went home!! After reaching home we went to visit our uncle at Senawang, Seremban.. So far..

      Reached Home Finally!! I can play my Xbox and relax..... Yeah!! Haha.. My lunch was good..
nothing to tell about it, haha.. Then I continued playing games and chatting with Mrs.Awesome but she is still sick pray for she can get better...

Keyy! Bye! That is for now.. See you later!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!

First Impression Me And Her

Is First Impression Important?

For some people yes but me and Mrs.Awesome no to much..

     So you know how we met? Right? So you what she tought about me for the first time? Guess..
But for know let me say what I tought about her..

     I tought she was just my Ex friend so I didn't care much but I also had a crush on her dunno why..but yeah I was with my Ex so, I can't do anything.. Hehehe...Don't get it wrong, I loved my Ex but I know what she is, a type that people ain't gonna like..haha..

     I had a crush on her, but to Mrs.Awesome it is different, She tought of me as a Sakai person..What!? Haha...So she doesn't even care about me, haha what could I do.. She also hated me for a reason that involves my Ex, they were best-friend.. Haha..weird!!

     That was our first Impression of each other Awesome Ain't it? Haha..Bye!! Let the story continue at a different post..

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!

Work hard for the dream you have and Never give up!!

Me, Me, and Awesome Me

Story of Me and Her

Meeting of US..

     Me and Mrs.Awesome!! You know all about right? If not read my first post! Haha.. Me and Mrs Awesome are friends at first now we are together for about 1 month and 3/4 month haha..

     The story of us is really complicated, So let me try to tell you.. Hahaha... It is going to be Funny I think.. Want to know her? I'll think you alredy know her..haha..

     Keyy,Keyy... The story starts on 20.6.13.. WooHoo!! So fun!! I was just going to meet up with my EX (at that time she is my girlfriend).. I went to my EX neighbourhood, at the neighbourhood there was a park a place we're we always meet... So when I went there she brought HER Mrs.Awesome, while at that time I didn't know her..

     I didn't know her and she doesn't know me.. At the same time I brought my friend cause my EX ask so.. Then my friend and Mrs Awesome get together!! I was lik what?! Haha...

Celebration for me, with Family!!

21.12.13 Saturday..

    A Celebration for me!! For the result haha, My family gathering cause my eldest bro is busy cause he just started working.. So this gathering is a rare occasion.. He came all the way from KL just for this gathering sadly his wife couldn't join, huhu..

    My mom Booked a hotel for us so we could relax a little before the celebration which is at a hotel called Holiday Inn but we didn't stay there cause it is FULL!! what! could you believe that? Haha..of course holiday maa!!

     I was good times we had dinner at the hotel, good food and fun family bonding time.. Soon me and my eldest bro when to DP A.K.A Dataran pahlawan for a haircut!! The hair stylist make my Bro look like a Kpop star, haha so FUNNY!! Well me just same old, same old not a lot of difference..hehe..

    After Haircutting was done, we regroup with the other family members at a "Pasar Malam" Nearby.. Everything was so cheap there so sisters bought alot of stuff, girls you know them... Hahaha.. But me! I just bought a jersey that is enough, haha then I walked strainght to the hotel ALONE!! (not scared)while all this is Happening I was also chatting with Mrs. Awesome, she is sick right now..kesian dia! dia comel haha...

Thats all for today ,then I went to sleep after I finished writting this blog..
Thanks for reading, if even people read this..

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Get To know Me!

Hello and Assalammualaikum to the muslims..

     Hey, I am Ahmad Syazriman Abdullah Bin Azlan, my name was given by my eldest bro..
I am also know as Syaz or Iman, call me anything you want just respect me cause I am human too like you! Unless you are a animal, in that case call me anything you want  haahahha...

      I am 15 and just got my pMR result 4A 4B, yeah I am thankful even though I didn't study..haahah... Awesome ain't it? Hahaha... I can't wait to be in form 4.. Life is always better thr future is bright if you work hard for it..hahaha..

      To all the ladies out there I am sorry cause I am already in love with this Awesome, Magnificent, amazing, wonderful, kind, clever, cute and Beautiful.. Hahaha.. So in my future blog she will be knows as Mrs.Awesome or just A...haha..

      I love to play football it is like my passion, I started playing when I was ten, cause my neighbour play it, like alot.. So the only thing I could do is join them.. Hahaah... I am not talemted but I always train to be better.. My football Idol is Chelsea number 9 FERNANDO TORRES, he is awesome for me, but for some people he sucks, dunno why... Haters what are you going to do? Haha...

Bye for now!! Before that a simple advice or a quote, Keep smiling, Respect, be Thankful and life your life to the fullest cause Life is awesome!!

ME, ME , and, AWESOME ME(Syaz)