Monday 30 December 2013

Life Without HER Ain't Gonna be AWESOME


     Hey!! So I haven't post for along time so sorry for that.So from the title you knos what this post is going to be about. Yeah, I will surely miss her.

     So, New Year is Coming in couple of days, school will start on 2 January on Thursday.

Friday 27 December 2013


Yess I DO!

I love you and I miss you.

You are CUTE!

    I just wanted to say that I will do almost anything for you, The possible i will do, adn the impossible I will TRY!! 

    ALL I ask In return is that you love me, Miss me, Remember me, Trust me, Respect Me, Appreciate Me,Smile for me, Listen to me, Be loyal to me and NEVER LEAVE ME.

BYE!! Sorry for the short post.

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

A Day ended with Mistake.

Mistake I made.

I did my best.


    So today, I met up with her, It was awesome for me just to see HER. First We plan to meet up at 4.30 p.m. I kept thinking about it the whole day, Went out with my Bros(closeFriends)(TrustedOne) Just still thinking about our upcoming meeting.

    I went to a barber cause one of my Bros need a hair cut for his class gethering Tomorrow. Then I went home asking my father does he want food for lunch cause I am damn! HUNGRY!! 

    My father say lets go together but my lil sis is lazy, so I decided to bring the food home. I went to McD for lunch, yeah..McD McD McD..almost every time..haha..But still keep thinking about our upcoming meeting..

    So got the food, brought the food back home for my dad and my lil sis, so they can have their really late lunch. I ate outside, at my Gazebo, still i was thinking bout the Meeting cause it was 4.30 p.m maybe more..

   So then it reached 5, I was like ok, another time maybe, she is busy maybe.. Think positive.. So my bros invited me to play football. The only think I can do is say "yes why not".. While just about to go play football I look at my tab and say a Notification that said "jap lagi I smpai".. I froze, cause I don't know what to do, already said yes to my bros...

   Then I saw, I saw a beautiful girl walked on a path to my house, I was so happy.. So I invited her to follow us the the feild, she said yes. Problem solved..

    But when I reached the field, my bros got annoyed by me cause, I just won't stop looking at HER, My Mrs.Awesome. I won't leave her side.. (sorry guys, she is more important then football)..

    So after football, That I only played for almost 5 minutes only,haha..I just can't stop looking at her, she is so CUTE!! but after that all when home, I on my fb and posted something, and that was my mistake, I should have known..

    But, something happen, I cut my hair for tomorrow cause I got an Interview at a school and also a test. I am BALD..HAHA... gonna be weird.. But lets hope for the best for her and for me and also for my family..

Keyy!! Bye!! Thx!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Thursday 26 December 2013

Missing Her!!

After The Date.

    After the date everything is boring, except being with you. After the date everything is slow, just waiting for the day we can meet.. I miss you like heaven!!

     First day after the date, I woke up smiling but then as the day continues my level of Missing you INCREASED.. Just can't stop thinking bout you.. I miss you more when I can't text you for the whole day.. So i gotta find something to do to make me happy.I miss You Mrs.Awesome

     I decided to play Futsal but I realise When I play, When I scored, and When I won the game, I did all of it without you by my side, I still can't smile.. I just MISS YOU.. Mrs.Awesome

     Went back, and saw your text, I was happy but at the same time not so cause I can't meet you. While texting I was happy better then before, still why can't I see you.. I miss YOU..Thats all..

     The next day I woke up and still can't smile knowing you are still a sleep and tired, I miss you SAYANG.. I want to see you, I want you to be by my side.. One Day!! Of God Wills.. I MISS YOU!!

Keyy, Thx, BYe,

Me, Me, and Awesome Me-just Missig YOU.

Wednesday 25 December 2013


Awesome ain't it?

Tired but Worth It.

The longest Time Out.

    So today, I got a date. I was join by couple of my Fwenz, potong line je..haha, sorry tak leh 2 orng je..Haish!! So continue the story, It was amzing but It started later then we had plan.. Hehe..

    I slept around 2 O'clock in the morning, so I woke up very tired at 5 O'clock for prayer. Then I went back to sleep. When I reawaken I realised my mom already going to work so I don;t have a driver to send me to Town. I woke up around 8.?? A.M.. 

    I tought I was late and I was afraid Mrs.Awesome akan smpai before me.. SO SCARED!! Then, I must breakfast before I can go, hishh!! I was so afraid that I'll be late, but then suddenly, while I was in the car I got a call from a house number that I don't recognize, when I answered it the person said,
"You dekat mana"
I replied, I dalam Kereta.
The she said I maybe lambat sikit, I was relieved that I am not going to be late!!!

    After I reached Town, I was with two of my lil Fwenz, They keeped me accompanied while waiting for Mrs.Awesome and 3 of my other Friends.After Mrs.Awesome arrived My day was simply the best day.. It was just amazing and AWESOME knowing she is there beside Me.. :D

    So when all the peeps I was waiting for had arrived, we set sail to the Cinema, cause we want to watch movie la.. hahaha... We watched the movie TITLED Walking With Dinosaurs, Mrs.Awesome bosan tngk cerita tu, Kesian dia, Sorry!!

    After movie, we went to perform our solat, then we went to LaserTag, It was fun, so much fun!! After got tired of playing LaserTag we went for our LUNCH!! at....... McD!!~lalala~

    Lunch, we ate, we talked, we chill, we relax, and then we went TO! THE! BEST! PART! OF! THE! DAY! Roooooller Skaaaaaating!!
Why is it the best? Gotta be there to know la. haha... So A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!

    Thanks to my Fwen, my two liltle Fwenz, my two acquaintances, and MY one and Only Mrs.Awesome!! So fun just to see her!! I love her!! Thanks for the AWESOME day!!..

Keyy!! Bye!! Thanks For Reading!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
ETC. like Mrs.Awesome yg never stop trying to skate!! she will not leave until she is better at playing Roller Skate.

Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

A Day of Happiness.

Seeing You SMILE!!

Makes Me CRAZY!!!

    Woke up Realizing I forgot something, read my last post you'll know what.. So SORRY Mrs.Awesome, But petang tu JUMPA GAK!!

    So in the house waiting for the time 4.30 p.m cause that is the time we met outside my house. Before that I did a lot of things, meaning so little it seems like a lot..

    So fitsly I did was I played games with my Lil Friend. Naruto is the name of the game, I beat him like I was playing with a toddler. After I get bored of winning I let him play the main Mission so he could enjoy winning with computers or A.I..

    While he was enjoying winning, I played with my new Kittens!! So cute, they are three of them, One is Black coloured so I call it BLACK, the second one was White and grey coloured. So I call it MARBLE cause It's Mother's Name is GULI. The Third one is called Silky/silk not yet sure.

    They are so cute, after finish getting to know my cute KITTIES!! I decided to go cut my hair sbb ada ekor...haha.. When I wanted to go to the barber my 2nd Bro ask me to buy them McD..
Still hungry even after lunch..

    When to McD and bought some burgers!! It didn't took long. Then went back home as fast as possible cause I don't want to be late for my meeting with Mrs.Awesome..~lalala~..So got home eat couple of fries then started to hang with her, just hearing her stories and looking at her beauty..haha..and CUTENESS!!

    It was a GOOD TIME, just can't wait for tomorrow.. WooHoo!!!
Bye!! I am sleepy right now.

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.

Monday 23 December 2013

A Sleepless NIGHT.


Till The MORN!!

    A whole day I didn't sleep even after I played futsal. Right now so tired but forcing myself not to sleep. So at the start I was chatting with my beloved Mrs.Awesome till 3 O'Clock cause her Ipad mini was dead, I mean no battery, haha.. 

    So we talked a lot as usual, and before her Ipad died, I say Good Night and Sweet Dreams like I always DO...cause I want her to have a good sleep and a sweet dream..haha about me or us..

    So when she wasn't on I started writing my Post on this blog, I also was waiting for my Favourite football team to play, which is Chelsea FC but Mrs.Awesome is a glory hunter so she support Manchester United..ergh!!

    So after watching a draw match agaist Chelsea and Arsenal, I went to the kitchen, where it is located downstairs, I went there to make myselg a hot Milo cause I didn't eat dinner last night and my stomach was IN pain!!

    So went I went in to the kitchen my mom was there so she ask me "nak makan tak sebab semalam tak makan right?" I said boleh la then I ate! of my favourite dish made by my MOM!! Love her!! After eating went upstairs look at my laptop and then I FELL ASLEEP!!! what!! I was really hoping not to sleep cause I want to go to the AQUATIC with my BELOVED..OOhh, Damn it..

    So went I woke up the first thing is that I say sorry to Mrs.Awesome, I am so sorry!! but hope this evening we can see each other.. YEAY!! So it is a tiring night but I enjoy every minute of IT!!

Keyy!! BYE!!

Respect! Keep Smiling! Be Thankful!
Me, Me, and Awesome Me.